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What are the most common workplace injuries and illnesses?

Unfortunately, workers are injured every day at work and also are diagnosed with, and suffer with, occupational illnesses related to their work. Workers who are sick because of their jobs should be familiar with the different types of occupational illnesses and how workers’ compensation may be able to help them through a difficult time.

Sprain, strains and tears

During 2010, almost 47% out of 10,000 workplace illnesses and injuries and injuries were attributed to sprains, strains and tears. This type of injury keeps injured workers away from work for the longest period of recovery time.

Musculoskeletal disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders account for nearly 35% out of every 10,000 workplace injuries and illnesses.


A total of 27 out of every 10,000 workplace illnesses and injuries were attributed to overexertion which can lead to sprain, strain and tears injuries among other types of injuries.

Soreness and pain, including back pain

General soreness and pain accounted for 13.3% out of 10,000 workplace illnesses and injuries and may require at-home care to treat. Additionally, 4 out of 10,000 workplace illnesses and injuries were attributed to back pain and injuries.

Bruises and contusions

Nearly 10 out of every 10,000 workplace illnesses and injuries involved bruises and contusions which can take several days to heal.

Cuts, lacerations and puncture wounds

Out of 10,000 workplace illnesses and injuries occurring each year, just over 9% involve cuts, lacerations and puncture wounds.


Fractures account for 8.5 out of every 10,000 workplace illnesses and injuries and require up tot 28 days away from work to recover from.

Workers can also suffer other types of workplace illnesses and injuries including respiratory illnesses, repetitive stress injuries and fall-related injuries, among others. Workers’ compensation protections may be able to help them receive benefits for their medical expenses and missed wages while they are away from work. It is key to know how to obtain workers’ compensation benefits when needed.