Many claims for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are denied the first time around. That makes understanding the appeals options all the more important for applicants seeking disability benefits. The appeals process There are several levels of appeal available...
Social Security Disability
Does drug addiction or alcoholism ruin my chances for SSDI?
Many people are reluctant to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Sometimes it’s because they don’t want to feel like they’re taking a handout; other times it’s due to the rigorous nature of the application process. You may even have specific...
Do I qualify for Social Security Disability?
If one is disabled, regardless of the reason, they may qualify for disability benefits. In California, that could be state disability benefits for short-term disabilities, but for longer-term disabilities, the federal Social Security Administration can provide...
Social Security Disability benefits for back pain
Back injuries are perhaps the most common cause for people to seek Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Back pain can originate from many causes, but its effect can be similar from person to person: severe back pain can prevent a person from working...
Will your health condition leave you unable to work?
Many California residents will face health challenges at some point in life, whether it is due to age, sudden onset of disease or perhaps even an accident that caused a serious injury. Health problems of any kind can be difficult for individuals and families to...
People with mental disorders may be able to receive SSDI
It is important that people in California are able to work. People need to earn income to pay bills and provide for their needs. There are many different reasons why people may be unable to work though. It could be a temporary injury or illness that keeps people out...
Can I go back to work and still keep my SSD benefits?
If you have been on Social Security Disability benefits for a while and your health has improved, you may want to try working again. However, you do not want to lose your SSD benefits should your attempt to work fail. For this reason, the Social Security...
Are you prepared for your disability re-evaluation?
If you’ve secured Social Security disability benefits, then you might be finding yourself breathing a sigh of relief, and for good reason. These benefits can provide you with the financial stability that you need while you focus on living the best life possible in...
Work requirements for Social Security disability benefits
There are several components to qualifying for Social Security disability benefits which are vital for many disabled individuals who are unable to work to support themselves and their families. Disabled applicants for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits should...
Does my condition meet the SSA’s disability definition?
California residents who cannot work for an extended period due to a disability may be able to recover Social Security Disability benefits. To qualify for disability benefits, your medical condition must constitute a disability pursuant to the SSA’s definition. The...