Many claims for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are denied the first time around. That makes understanding the appeals options all the more important for applicants seeking disability benefits.
The appeals process
There are several levels of appeal available to disabled individuals who have made a claim for SSD benefits and had their claim denied. The first level is to make a request for reconsideration. During the request for reconsideration, a new reviewer will review the application and additional information can be provided by the applicant if they wish.
The next level of appeal is to request a hearing before an administrative law judge. At this level of appeal, an administrative law judge will review the application and may interview witnesses which may include witnesses. The applicant may also be present to answer questions either in person or by video conference. It is helpful for the applicant to be prepared for what to expect at the hearing.
The next step in the Social Security disability appeals process is an appeals council review. The applicant can request that the Social Security Administration Appeals Council review the application for disability benefits. The final option is to seek relief in the federal courts and appeal a denial of the claim there. Disability benefits are based on the applicant’s medical condition and work history and can be used to help with their daily needs. Social Security Disability benefits are important for many families and disabled applicants which is why it is useful to be familiar with the process of appealing a claim denial.