Workplace injuries can significantly impact your daily life and leave you with medical bills and unpaid wages. But are you entitled to workers’ compensation after a workplace accident if you are an undocumented individual? In California, the law protects all workers...
Assisting Clients Across California Since 1993
Month: April 2024
My co-worker injured me. Is this covered by workers’ comp?
When you think of workplace injuries, they are usually due to slips, falls, or equipment mishaps. If you get into an accident, California workers’ compensation can help support you through recovery. However, what happens if a colleague is responsible for your injury?...
Four out of 10 California workers’ comp claims come from new employees
A new report published by the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California (WCIRB) found that about 40% of workers’ compensation claims made in the state come from workers with less than one year of tenure. The report, which looked into the impacts of...